BAA013 Constructive Geometry
Credit conditions
To obtain credit:
- Unexcused absenses are not allowed.
- You need to score at least 40% in the sum of points for both tests.
- You need to submit 10 correctly drawn exercises.
Materials for lessons
- Materials for lesson 1:
- Materials for lesson 2:
- Materials for lesson 3:
- Materials for lesson 6:
- Materials for lessons 7-8:
- Materials for lesson 9:
Exercises to submit
General information:
- draw exercises with a pencil on office paper, each exercise on a separate sheet
- mark them with your name, surname and date of issue
- submit exercises continuously (the recommended submission date is part of the assignment), you will avoid complications at the end of the semester
The assignment of exercises to submit:
- Homework 1 (submission deadline 26.2.2025): collinear image of a hexagon
- Homework 2 (submission deadline 5.3.2025): affine image of a pentagon
- Homework 3 (submission deadline 5.3.2025): affine image of a circle
- Homework 4 (submission deadline 12.3.2025): In MP: construct related views of the square ABCD lying in the plane alpha(60,60,45), A[-25,?,45], C[-15,65,?].
Exercises to practice
- These exercises do not need to be submitted, they serve as preparation fot the tests. They are intended for practicing.
Exercises discussed in lessons
Lesson 1 Ellipse
- Point construction, a tangent, osculating circles here.
- Vertex circle and Directrix circle here.
- Tangent to the ellipse parallel to given direction here.
- More exercises to practise here.
Lesson 2 Ellipse, Central collineation
Lesson 3 Affinity, Monge projection
- Trace points of a line, the true length of the line segment exercise 1
- Traces of the plane exercise 2
- Basic problem IIb: a point of intersection of a straight line with a plane here
- Basic problem IIIa: a line perpendicular to a plane here
- Horizontal and vertical (frontal) lines, lines of steepest slope here
- More exercises to practise here.
Lesson 4 Monge projection
- Distance of a point from a plane exercise 3.
- Basic problem IIIb: a plane perpendicular to a line here
- Distance of a point from a line exercise 4.
- Rotation of the point lying in the plane here
- Equilateral triangle here.
Lesson 5 Monge projection - construction of solids
- Exercises - construction of solids in MP.
- Projection of pyramid.
- Related views of a circle given by its center and its one point here
- Projection of the cylinder in MP.
Lesson 6
The maximum of the first test is 15 points. The maximum of the second test is 20 points.
To obtain credit you need to score at least 40% (14 points of 35 points) in the sum of points for both tests.
There will be an opportunity to do two make-up tests - in the examination period.
Test 1 (50 min) - 19.3.2025
- Tasks that can appear on the first test:
- Tangents to the ellipse parallel to the given direction, tangents to the ellipse passing through the outer point, construction of the ellipse using focal properties
- The affine image of a square or a triangle, the affine image of a circle, the image of a square in the collineation
- Monge projection:
- Basic tasks concerning a plane (a point and a straight line in a plane, traces)
- Basic problems
- Distance of a point from a plane
- Distance of a point from a line
- Related views of an object in a plane (a square, a triangle, a circle)
- Sample first test
Test 2 (50 min)
- Tasks that can appear on the second test:
- Orthogonal axonometry:
- Axonometric view of a point.
- Axonometric view of an object in a first projection plane (a square, a triangle, a circle).
- Plane section of prism or pyramid with the base in a first projection plane.
- The intersection of a line with a solid.
- Perspective projection
- Construction in the ground plane (lengths, parallels, the angle between intersecting lines...)
- Perspective projection of a triangle or a square in the ground plane.
- The tipped ground plan method.
- Construction - an inaccessible vanishing point, reduced distance.
- Perspective projection of a solid with the base in the ground plane.
- Sample second test
Recommended literature for studying:
• Descriptive geometry - in english (Monge projection and perspective projection)
• CD Deskriptivní geometrie
• A collection of solved exercises from constructive geometry (in Czech).
• Descriptive geometry - conic sections, Monge projection, Axonometry.
Here you can find more information and materials to descriptive geometry at FAST VUT