BAA013 Constructive Geometry

Credit conditions

To obtain credit:

Materials for lessons

Exercises to submit

General information:

The assignment of exercises to submit:

Exercises to practice

Exercises discussed in lessons

Lesson 1 Ellipse

Lesson 2 Ellipse, Central collineation

Lesson 3 Affinity, Monge projection
Lesson 4 Monge projection
Lesson 5 Monge projection - construction of solids Lesson 6


The maximum of the first test is 15 points. The maximum of the second test is 20 points. To obtain credit you need to score at least 40% (14 points of 35 points) in the sum of points for both tests. There will be an opportunity to do two make-up tests - in the examination period.

Recommended literature for studying:
•    Descriptive geometry - in english (Monge projection and perspective projection)

•    CD Deskriptivní geometrie

•   A collection of solved exercises from constructive geometry (in Czech).

•   Descriptive geometry - conic sections, Monge projection, Axonometry.

Here you can find more information and materials to descriptive geometry at FAST VUT